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ArticleName Technology of dynamic monitoring of stresses and strains in rocks under mining
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.08.10
ArticleAuthor Eremenko V. A., Esina E. N., Semenyakin E. N.

Author 1:
Name & Surname: Eremenko V. A.
Company: Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Work Position: Principal Researcher
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Author 2:
Name & Surname: Esina E. N.
Company: Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Work Position: Senior Researcher
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Author 3:
Name & Surname: Semenyakin E. N.
Company: Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Work Position: Graduate student


In terms of complex geological and geomechanical conditions of rockburst-hazardous underground mining at Tashtagol, Abakan and other comparable deposits, the authors have carried out a full-scale trial and now present the technology for the dynamic monitoring of stresses and strains over local areas to 50 thousand square meters in rocks under development drivage or in the zone of influence of stoping. The dynamic monitoring enables short-term (up to 7 days) estimation of basic geomechanical parameters in rocks under control: orientation and value range of major principal normal stresses; relative strains; location of damaged rock zones (DRZ)—fracturing, shearing, compression; sizes and dynamics of cracks; zone of mutual influence of stope and mined-out void; mechanisms of failure and rock relaxation time; location of energy concentration zone. The authors describe and instantiate special equipment, devices and facilities, technologies and methods to measure deformation parameters in deep observation holes, as well as procedure for the obtained data processing, mapping of sized cracks and DRZ, their calibration, modeling and plotting, which allows reliable forecasting of DRZ parameters and dynamics at mine planning stage and enables implementation of measures aimed at industrial and ecological safety of mineral mining. Recommendations on field of application of the dynamic SSS monitoring technology are given.
The work has been done in the framework of the state contract of the Russian scientific fund (the grant No. 14-37-00050).
V. A. Shtirts and O. V. Shipeev, the head and the deputy head of PPGU department, as wekk as I. N. Eremenko have participated in conduction of the experiments at Tashtagolskiy mine. The results of hole contouring at Golden Grove mine in Western Australia have been presented by V. N. Lushnikov, the leading mining engineer of Australian Mining Consultants Pty Ltd.

keywords Rockburst-hazardous deposits, underground mining, rock mass stress–strain state, dynamic monitoring, control holes, cracks, strains, measurements, modeling, damaged rock zone mapping, forecasting

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Language of full-text russian
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