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ArticleName Prospects for geological exploration of deep levels in the Tersk-Sunzhensk oil and gas field
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.08.01
ArticleAuthor Zaurbekov Sh. Sh., Mintsaev M. Sh., Shaipov A. A., Labazanov M. M.

Author 1:
Name & Surname: Zaurbekov Sh. Sh.
Company: Complex Institute named after Kh. I. Ibragimov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Grozny, Russia)
Work Position: Head of laboratory
Scientific Degree: Professor, Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences

Author 2:
Name & Surname: Mintsaev M. Sh.
Company: Complex Institute named after Kh. I. Ibragimov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Grozny, Russia)
Work Position: Principal Researcher
Scientific Degree: Assistant Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Author 3:
Name & Surname: Shaipov A. A.
Company: Grozny State Oil Technical University named after Academician M. D. Millionshchikov (Grozny, Russia)
Work Position: Assistant Professor
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Author 4:
Name & Surname: Labazanov M. M.
Company: Grozny State Oil Technical University named after Academician M. D. Millionshchikov (Grozny, Russia)
Work Position: Assistant Professor
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences


In the context of the global trend and the experience of geological exploration and development of deep-level oil and gas reservoirs, the authors inform on maturity of exploration of hydrocarbon-promising deep levels in sedimentary rocks in the North Caucasus, in particular, in the Tersk-Sunzhensk field inside the Chechen Republic. Stating the poorest knowledge on Mezozoic stratigraphic layers, especially on upper Jurassic formations, the article argues in favor of hydrocarbon exploitability of these strata, reactivation of large-scale long hole drilling for geological surveying of deep ground conditions and parameters of oil-and-gas formation and hydrocarbons accumulation, evaluation of production potential of the explored strata and elaboration of long-term oil-and-gas industry strategy for the Chechen Republic based on the hydrocarbon development at a depth down to 5–8 km. The article defines the upper Jurassic formations and their complicated tectonic structure, shows location of promising sites and offers general estimate of their hydrocarbon potential.

keywords Tersk-Sunzhensk oil-and-gas field, sedimentary cover, deep level structures, hydrocarbon potential, exploration maturity, geological exploration, deep holes, hydrocarbon reservoirs, promising areas and structures, appraisal

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Language of full-text russian
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