ArticleName | Requirements to the choice and designing of selective reagents-collectors. Part 1. Theoretical principles for the choice of selective reagents-collectors |
ArticleAuthor | Abramov A. A. |
ArticleAuthorData | Moscow State Mining University (MGGU) A. A. Abramov, Professor, e-mail: |
Abstract | In this part of the article theoretical bases of the problem in creation of new more selective reagentscollectors extremely necessary for increase in efficiency of technological processes of flotation and complexity use of mineral raw material are considered. The essence and lacks of widely known flotation hypotheses now in use for a choice or creation of new more selective collectors are considered. It is shown, that conditions for formation on a minerals surface of valence-saturated bonds of the collector with a mineral cation required by Taggart’s «chemical theory», formation of chemisorption coverings of the collector by Shwedov’s hypothesis, physical sorption of ions, molecules or their complexes by other hypotheses cannot be used as the criterion for a choice and designing of selective reagents-collectors and do not allow to solve the problem discussed. On the basis of the modern flotation theory requirements to the structure of the collector sorption layer the new flotation hypothesis is offered. By this hypothesis the effective flotation of a mineral occurs if only as the chemically fixed and physically sorbed collector are present on its surface. In this case as the thermodynamic probability of a mineral particle fastening on an air bubble and opportunity of the effective break of the hydrate layer between them as well as repeated hardening of the air bubble — particle contact in turbulent conditions of flotation are provided. Absence of any of forms of collector sorption on the surface of minerals not possessing natural hydrophobicity leads to its depression. Requirements of the new flotation hypothesis to the structure of the sorption layer on the surface of minerals divided in common with conditions for selective interaction of functional groups and ionic-molecular complexes of the collector with a mineral surface allow (as will be shown in part 2 of the article) to formulate the proved requirements to a choice and designing of selective reagents-collectors. |
keywords | Reagents, collectors, flotation, selectivity of flotation, selectivity of the collector, flotation hypothesis, Taggart’s chemical theory, chemical sorption, physical sorption, chemisorption, hydrophobisation |
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Language of full-text | russian |
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