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ArticleName Calcium distillation processes in modernized equipment with increased productivity
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2016.02.09
ArticleAuthor Talanov A. A., Kotsar M. L., Konshin R. S., Kiverin V. L.

JSC “Chepetsky Mechanical Plant”, Glazov, Russia:

A. A. Talanov, Leading Engineer
R. S. Konshin, Chief Specialist
V. L. Kiverin, Head of a Shop

All-Russian Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia:
M. L. Kotsar, Head of Laboratory, phone: +7 (499) 324-63-75


This paper shows the results of tests of modernized equipment with increased productivity for vacuum distillation of calcium from copper-calcium alloy in Chepetsky Mechanical Plant. Five new types of equipment were tested. The technology was optimized on this equipment. Industrial exploitation required the distillation retort with optimal geometry and loading mass of “rich” coppercalcium alloy and electric resistance furnace SH-1 (Ш-1) with zone heating and 60 kW capacity. In comparison with the basic method, calcium obtaining in the optimal method was increased by ~9 kg (by 13.5%) during the loading of “rich” copper-calcium alloy (149±5 kg) in distiler and concentration of power in the low part of apparatus at the end of the process. Access of distillate to the ingot and the mass fraction of calcium in the “poor” copper-calcium alloy was unchanged at 83.5 and 20.8%, respectively. Specific energy consumption was not increased and equaled to 5.12 kWh/kg of Ca. Distillate reflow was decreased by 8% in 100 processes and equaled to 3.45 (instead of 3.75 in the base case). Nowadays, after the pilot testings, the entire site of distillation of calcium production of Chepetsky Mechanical Plant was equipped with modernized retorts and three-zone furnaces with capacity of 20 kW in each heating zone. The capacity in the modernized furnaces is consumed mainly for alloy heating with the level, decreasing during the distillation process.

keywords Calcium, manufacturing, thermal equipment, vacuum distillation, distillation retort, evaporation, copper-calcium alloy, clusters

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Language of full-text russian
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