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ArticleName Recovery of magnetic fraction from coal combustion waste by high-gradient magnetic separation
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.12.01
ArticleAuthor Aleksandrova T. N., Prokhorov K. V., Lvov V. V.

National Mineral Resources University—University of Mines, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:

T. N. Aleksandrova, Head of Mineral Processing Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,

V. V. Lvov, Assistant Professor, Mineral Processing Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


Institute of Mining, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia:
K. V. Prokhorov, Postgraduate student


The article addresses the topical issue of disposal and shrinkage of mining waste, and their use in various areas of business activity, in particular, in recovery of useful components. The research subject was fine ash-and-slag waste (ASW) of thermal coal combustion in the Khabarovsk and Amur Regions. The qualitative and quantitative microscopic analysis of the material is presented. The practice of magnetic separation of this type waste material is reviewed. The material is represented by a fine grain-size category with the content of –40 μm size up to 20% and 50% in the samples taken at heat power plants in the Khabarovsk and Amur Regions, respectively. The preliminary analyses showed iron-bearing components in amount of 5–11% in ASW. The authors studied the method of mining waste treatment by high-gradient magnetic separation on Outotec SLON 100 vertically pulsating magnetic separator. The optimal conditions and settings for the magnetic separator operation (including diameter of rod matrix, pulsating frequency and water flow rate) relative to basic technological parameters of magnetic separation have been determined. Theoretical basis is given for selecting dimension of rod matrix for separator for fine grainsize materials. The obtained data were compared with the classic magnetic separation results with and without material pre-treatment by a reagent on a drum magnetic separator. Based on the comparison outcome, it was concluded that it was most efficient to separate fine size ASW in high-gradient magnetic separators. Upon the research findings, the technology and equipment, and the optimum parameters and regimes were recommended for ASW high-gradient magnetic separation to enable efficient separation of magnetic and nonmagnetic particles and ensure finished iron concentrate production.
The study was carried out for the project part of state assignment in the field of science, No. 5.1284.2014/K as of July 11, 2014.

keywords Coal combustion, iron-bearing ash-and-slag waste, fine grain size, magnetic separation, high-gradient separator, experimental research, process conditions, parameters, iron concentrate

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