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ArticleName Colloidal form of escape of radionuclides from underground radioactive waste storage
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.10.10
ArticleAuthor Aleksandrova E. V.

Name & Surname: Aleksandrova E. V.
Company: Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Science (Moscow, Russia)
Work Position: Junior Researcher


The most promising way of isolating radioactive waste from the environment is currently underground storage. Ecology-aggressive long-lived radionuclides in radioactive waste are mostly represented by transuranic elements. Therefore, it is highly important to study forms of transport of transuranic radionuclides by underground water in order to evaluate reliability of underground isolation of radioactive waste. Radiation monitoring in contaminated areas proves that some transuranic radionuclides in colloidal form can be transported by underground water. Inasmuch as small-size colloid particles are not always well detained in rocks and highly mobile, the escape of transuranic radionuclides from a repository with underground water can constitute the highest danger to the environment. This article analyzes colloidal forms of escape of radionuclides at Antei uranium–molybdenum deposit and in the area of regional radioactive waste storage near the town of Obninks. Different-size colloid particles were extracted from water samples by means of sequential filtration using membranes with diminishing diameters of pores. The composition and structure of particles in each fraction were determined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy with next-following etching of external layer by argon ions. The content of in the filter was assessed using scintillation spectroscopy, uranium content — by LED and laser fluorescence and mass spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma.

keywords Colloids, radioactive waste, radionuclides, underground repository, filtration, underground water, uranium deposit

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