ArticleName |
Mine planning and design in MINEFRAME |
ArticleAuthorData |
Author 1: Name & Surname: Lukichev S. V. Company: Mining Institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Apatity, Russia) Work Position: Acting Director Scientific Degree: Doctor of Engineering Science Contacts:
Author 2: Name & Surname: Nagovitsyn O. V. Company: Mining Institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Apatity, Russia) Work Position: Principal Researcher Scientific Degree: Candidate of Engineering Science
Author 3: Name & Surname: Semenova I. E. Company: Mining Institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Apatity, Russia) Work Position: Senior Researcher Scientific Degree: Candidate of Engineering Science
Author 4: Name & Surname: Belogorodtsev O. V. Company: Mining Institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Apatity, Russia) Work Position: Principal Technologist
Abstract |
The information (computer) technologies in mining change to an increasing degree from a tool of geometrical modeling of a mineral deposit to a tool of optimization of geotechnical decision-making and mine management. It is not for a long time that 3D modeling of geological conditions and mine layout was considered as a step forward, whereas today this is a minimum initial requirement at any level of mine planning and design. The primary tasks of computer technologies are conventionally: mineral reserves appraisal, justification of mining system parameters, selection of mining sequence, process flow control and mine safety. As one of a few software designers in the field of mining and geological information systems, the Mining institute of the Kola Science Center, RAS is actively engaged in creating tools for automated technical decision-making using MINEFRAME software package. The software implementation of three mining practice objectives illustrates capabilities of mining and geological information systems in the area of technical decision-making: stress-strain state estimation in rock masses, large-scale long hole blasting, mine planning and design. Software development trend in the area of mining and geological information systems shows that they increasingly become a tool for integrated solution of widely ranged geotechnological problems. Employment of such tools creates conditions for development of schools engaged in geotechnology improvement, while non-use of the opportunity results in unavoidable retardation. Whence, it is of critical importance for competitive recovery of the Russian mining science to have proprietary software platforms for actualization of ideas put forward by the domestic school of mining. |
References |
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