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ArticleName Natural resources in the economy of Russia and in the world
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.07.07
ArticleAuthor Kozlovsky E. A.

Name & Surname: Kozlovsky E. A.
Company: Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Work Position: Vice-President
Scientific Degree: Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


Natural mineral, especial fuel-and-power, resources are the dynamic portion in the economy of any country–user while some countries, such as Russia, build their business activity and politics upon them. This article gives an analysis of use of natural resources in Russia against the global tendency toward development of the worldwide supply of natural resources. The point is that mining industry has to deal with poor quality minerals that occur in weakly developed areas. This results in higher cost of geological exploration and imposes more stringent requirements on reliability of evaluation data obtained. The author proposes some measures in the field of concept, technology, finance, management and legislation aimed at effectivization of geological exploration in Russia. In particular, it is suggested to raise government budget financing of basic geological exploration (initial prospecting stage), to create special bank for target-oriented crediting of mining and processing industry, to amend taxation policy in the country to stimulate prospecting of new sources of minerals and raw materials, to form a council on national subsoil use policy vested with specific authority under the President of Russian Federation, to modify the concept of the Federal Law on Natural Resources, and to expand geological mapping of uncovered territories.

keywords Mineral and raw materials, mining industry of Russia, geological exploration, subsoil use, Law on Natural Resources

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Full content Natural resources in the economy of Russia and in the world