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ArticleName Occupational hazard assessment in mining-and-metallurgical industry, considering combined impact of multiple adversities
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.05.18
ArticleAuthor Pototsky E. P., Zavodnova V. M.

Author 1:
Name & Surname: Pototsky E. P.
Company: National University of Science and Technology—MISiS (Moscow, Russia)
Work Position: Professor, Technosphere Safety Department
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Author 2:
Name & Surname: Zavodnova V. M.
Company: National University of Science and Technology—MISiS (Moscow, Russia)
Work Position: Postgraduate student


It is currently necessary to develop assessment procedure for occupational risks, including risk of occupational disease incidence, taking into account, first of all, labor conditions of an employee’s work area, namely, the combined impact of physical and chemical hazards as well as severity and heaviness of labor. This is connected with that in a working environment, a man is subjected to multi-factor impact that is much heavier than impact of an individual adverse factor. The article analyzes labor conditions of a numerically controlled machine tool’s operator, reveals harmful and hazardous industrial effects and undertakes a correlation–regression analysis of occupational disease incidence depending on labor conditions. The relationships between the disease incidence and industrial hazard with and without accounting for labor severity and heaviness are compared. With the aim to define the quality of the analysis per each adverse factor, the coefficients of elasticity Э, determination R2 and multivariable correlation R have been calculated. The authors compare the occupational risk level for a numerically controlled machine tool’s operator in accordance with the standard procedure (Guiding Document 2.2.1766-03) and the procedure of assessment of the combined adversity impact based on integral numerical score. Judging from the comparative analysis outcome, it can be concluded that the procedure accounting for the combined adversity impact of industrial hazards provides more reliable (as against the standard procedure) assessment of occupational risk and enables firm managerial decision-making on reduction of occupational hazard and improvement of working conditions.

keywords Occupational risk assessment, correlation–regression analysis, combined adversity impact, integral numerical score

1. Available at: (in Russian)
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Language of full-text russian
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