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ArticleName Radar interferometry for monitoring ground subsidence
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.04.14
ArticleAuthor Mukhamedgaliev A. F., Imansakipova B. B., Baigurin Zh. D., Ivo Milev

Author 1:
Name & Surname: Mukhamedgaliev A. F.
Company: Academician Sultangazin’s Institute for Cosmic Exploration (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Work Position: Head of Geoinformatics and Image Identification Department, Professor
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Author 2:
Name & Surname: Imansakipova B. B.
Company: Kazakh National Technical University after K. I. Satpaev (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Work Position: Doctoral student

Author 3:
Name & Surname: Baigurin Zh. D.
Company: Kazakh National Technical University after K. I. Satpaev (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Work Position: Professor
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Author 4:
Name & Surname: Ivo Milev
Company: The Beouth University of Applied Sciences Berlin (Berlin, Germany)
Work Position: Professor
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences


The article presents the research into determination of ground surface subsidence based on the satellite data obtained using Cosmo-SkyMed and TerraSAR-X satellite systems and the differential interferometry (DI), which allowed highly accurate information on image-to-image deformation of ground surface over wide areas, including undermined territories. DI technique was employed on a test site with an area of 900 km2, in the Kazakhmys territory where vigorous underground mining had induced distortion of the terrain, subsidence and plump holes. Based on the analysis of the radar images, digital terrain models were constructed and later on used for mapping the ground surface of the test site. The comparison of the DI data on the ground surface subsidence with the surveying measurements has shown sufficiently high correlation and an accuracy to within 1 cm, which indicates practicability of using satellite sensing and monitoring in place of labor and money consuming surveying in largescale measurement of ground surface subsidence.

keywords Satellite systems, radar sensing, mining, undermining of territory, distortions, deformation, differential interferometry, digital terrain models, distortion map, correlation and accuracy of measurements

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Language of full-text russian
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