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ArticleName Training of mining engineers at the Far East Federal University
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.03.16
ArticleAuthor Lushpey V. P., Makishin V. N.

Author 1:
Name & Surname: Lushpey V. P.
Company: Engineering School, Far East Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia)
Work Position: Professor
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Author 2:
Name & Surname: Makishin V. N.
Company: Engineering School, Far East Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia)
Work Position: Head of department, Assistant Professor
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences


The article presents the history of launching and growth of higher mining education in Russian Far East, starting from foundation of Mining Division of the Technical Faculty at the Vladivostok High Polytechnic and finishing with the current Engineering School at the Far East Federal University. The authors show the main stages of transformation and modernization of the University, generation of new faculties, departments, specialities and specializations, as well as creation of material and technical infrastructure (specialized laboratories) at the University to be relevant to the growth of mining industry, mining science, technology and equipment in Russia as well as their need for qualified personnel. The paper introduces the founders and heads of the Mining Department, heads of laboratories, professors, assistant professors, principal lecturers, doctors and doctoral degree candidates who made an immense contribution to education of engineering and scientific brainpower for the mining industry. The authors highlight postgraduate and doctoral courses held by the Univesity for training scientific personnel, basic areas of activity of scientific schools, topics of state-funded and self-financing research and development, cooperation with Russian and foreign research agencies engaged in mining as well as with mining companies and plants. Participation of students in the research activities, conferences, seminars and competitions is illustrated. Particular emphasis is made on the contemporary training of mining engineers in terms of their IT education and experience, as well as in the areas of innovative technologies and equipment for mineral mining and processing.

keywords Mining engineer training, mining universities, faculty, department, specalization, postraduate and doctoral courses, research-and-experiment laboratory, practice, scientific schools, competitions, innovative areas of activity

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Language of full-text russian
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