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ArticleName Modernization and innovative development in mineral mining and processing industry in the Northeastern Russia
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.03.08
ArticleAuthor Egorov Е. G.

Name & Surname: Egorov E. G.
Company: Scientific-Research Institute of Regional Economy of the North, Northeastern Federal University (Yakutsk, Russia)
Work Position: Principal Researcher, Professor
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Economical Sciences
Contacts: e-mail:


Modernization and innovative development of mineral mining and processing industry in the Northeastern Russia has regional-specific features. The operating diamond, gold, lead, coal and natural gas mines regularly upgrade production on a basis of introduction of state-of-the-art mining and processing equipment, including import. The problems of underground mining of diamonds and gold ore are partly being resolved by application of innovative technologies. Further innovative development of the diamond production industry in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) involves introduction of highly efficient and safe technologies for open, underground and combination mining of kimberlite pipes, finding of soft technologies for kimberlite weakening, elaboration of processing technologies for highly mineralized brines and concentration waste toward recovery of valuable elements and chemical compounds. The gold and lead extraction industry branches require high-performance and ecology-friendly technologies for mining and processing of natural ore bodies and mining waste, and for pushing the limits of application range for new heap leaching methods. New branches of mineral mining and processing and fuel-and-energy industries, including production of oil, gas, iron ore, complex ore, rare earth metals and other minerals, will spring up and turn out competitive products predominantly based upon innovative technologies. Currently, there are many prepared innovation–investment projects in the Northeastern Russia region. It is suggested to implement the projects by means of formation of territorial mining clusters.
The article is prepared in the framework of R&D “Scientific-Technical and Organization-Economical Foundations for Advanced Innovative Development of Regional Economy in the Northeastern Russia” under the governmental assignment no. 1201460076.

keywords Mining and processing industry, modernization, innovative development, industrial structure, clusters

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Language of full-text russian
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