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ArticleName Innovatization as an instrument of overcoming of competitive lagging ofrussian metallurgy from the developing countries
ArticleAuthor Vorobev A. G., Timokhin D. V., Ivanova M. S., Popova G. I., Serebryannaya L. S.

1Chair of Economics, National Research Naucear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia; 2“Ore and Metals” Publishing House, Moscow, Russia:
A. G. Vorobev, Professor, Head of a Chair1, Chief Editor2


“Ore and Metals” Publishing House, Moscow, Russia.

D. V. Timokhin, Deputy Head of a Chair, e-mail:
M. S. Ivanova, Senior Lecturer
G. I. Popova, Senior Lecturer
L. S. Serebryannaya, Senior Lecturer


There was researched the problem of competitive lagging of Russian metallurgy from South-East Asian enterprises (especially Chinese). There was made an offer to overcome such lagging with the help of production innovatization. Conditions of realization of innovation breakthrough in Russian metallurgy were considered. According to this, there was carried out the analysis of correspondence of modern state of the industry to these conditions. Methods of optimization of operation of Russian metallurgical enterprises were defined, taking into account the global market requirements. The following operations were carried out for the purpose of definition of critical threats to metallurgical enterprises:
– considering of metallurgical products market dynamics (especially its geographical aspect);
– definition of main trends in the global metallurgy, which should comply with Russian metallurgical industry.
There was proved the fact, that development of innovation content of Russian metallurgy is one of the most prospective ways. There were defined the specific prospective metallurgical technologies and markets, where innovation potential of Russian enterprises can be the most essential. There were defined the specific threats, which part for Russian industry will be increased with time. The main cause of these threats is globalization of economy and world-wide steel market development. Efficiency of creation of joint international innovation projects was proved together with advanced development of innovation product markets, which have not been already developed by enterprises from developed countries. This paper gives the conclusions, which confirm the importance of innovation policy of metallurgical enterprises, as the basic instrument of overcoming of competitive lagging from developing countries.

keywords Modernization, innovation activity, investment, transnationalization of production, productivity increase, transformation of production, long-term development prospect

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Language of full-text russian
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