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ArticleName Basis of creation and stages of realization of robotized cargo transportation systems on operating mining enterprises
ArticleAuthor Trubetskoy K. N., Klebanov D. A., Yasyuchenya S. V.

Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia):

Trubetskoy K. N., Head of Scientific Council on Problems of Mining Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences


«VIST Group» JSC (Moscow, Russia):

Klebanov D. A., Development Officer


«Siberian Coal Energy Company» JSC (Mezhdurechensk, Russia):

Yasyuchenya S. V., Technical Officer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


This article describes the creation principles and basic stages of technical realization of robotized mining production. There is carried out the analysis of preconditions of creation of «Intellectual open pit» system in Russia and other CIS countries, and creation of board equipment and technical means, necessary for the project realization. There is also touched upon a question about economic substantiation of introduction of such systems in open pits. Nowadays, remote control of equipment, which makes it possible to avoid the presence of human in complex and dangerous conditions, is applied in many areas, such as:
-management of cosmic, flying and deep-water vehicles;
-liquidation of consequences of anthropogenic accidents;
-prevention of terrorism acts.
Impossibility or extraordinary danger of direct human participation in the carried out technological operations is the main criterion of application of distant management systems. After a number of years, extraction of minerals is carried out in more complex and dangerous mining, geological and climatic conditions. Development of deposits in the Far North, uninhabited and mountain regions with insufficiently developed social infrastructure significantly complicates the human participation in technological processes of minerals extraction, creates the problems of searching of high-qualified personnel, etc. In such conditions, creation of system of automated and robotized extraction of minerals takes on special significance. The extracted minerals provide such value of automation of mining transport equipment, at which mining equipment works partly or completely without drivers and operators (at the same time, in minimal case, the management is carried out distantly, and in total case, it is carried out completely automatically). Creation of system according to the «Intellectual open pit» project not only provides the safety of open cast mining, but also increases the efficiency, labor productivity, and possibility of minerals extraction in not easily accessible natural and climatic regions of Russia. At the same time, creation of system will promote the accelerated development of modern high technologies in the following areas:
-high-accuracy satellite navigation GLONASS/GPS;
-wireless high-speed data transmission;
-robotechnics and industrial electronics.
Undoubtedly, this development will lead to the consolidation of scientific and engineering potential of Russia.

keywords Intellectual open pit, robotized mining production, open cast mining, dispatching system, open pit, robot dump trucks, high-accuracy navigation, industrial safety, distance control of open pit equipment

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Language of full-text russian
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