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ArticleName The flotation operational development of magnetite concentrates and ecological aspects of its influence on the environment
ArticleAuthor Zimin A. V., Nazarov Yu. P., Yurlova N. A.

Science and Production Association “RIVS” JSC, Saint Petersburg, Russia:

Zimin A. V., Chef Executive Officer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Nazarov Yu. P., Leading Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Yurlova N. A., Chief Specialist, Doctor of Biological Sciences

E-mail (common):


The increased requirements of the consumers to the quality of iron-containing concentrates predetermined the improvement of the flotation operational development of magnetite concentrates, obtained by the traditional magnetic technologies. The two-stage opposite cationic flotation technology with the suppression of iron minerals is the most optimal for this type of raw materials. There were developed the technological schemes and reagent regimes, which make it possible to obtain the flotation concentrates with 70–71% of iron, with the extraction of 95–97% of iron from the initial magnetic concentrate. The usage of toxic and environmentally dangerous reagents in flotation is the larger introduction constraint in the production of the flotation operational development. There was developed the water circulation technology with the unification of the following operations:
• the flotation operational development tails;
• the liquid phase from the filtration of the main concentrate;
• the magnetic separation tails of the enterprise.
Amine is the basic component of the reagents-collectors of rockformation minerals. As a result of mixing of the foregoing products, the amine concentration in the water phase decreases significantly. Practically, this concentration is much lower than the maximum allowable concentration for the reagents of this group.

keywords Magnetite concentrates, opposite cationic flotation, pneumo-mechanical flotation machines, influence on the environment, flotation reagent

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