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ArticleName Increasing of the production volumes on the processing plant of Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine
ArticleAuthor Akopyan M. A., Markaryan A. V., Bezirganyan K. V., Arustamyan M. A., Arustamyan A. M.

Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine, Kajaran, Republic of Armenia:

Akopyan M. A., Chief Executive Officer, 

Markaryan A. V., Technical Officer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, 

Bezirganyan K. V., Head of the Processing Plant, 


Science and Production Association “RIVS” JSC, Saint Petersburg, Russia:

Arustamyan M. A., Technical Officer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, 

Arustamyan A. M., Deputy Chief Engineer of a Project,


In the recent years, Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine (Zangezur CMC) have been successfully realizing the construction projects and modernization of all production areas of the processing plant, by the increasing of output and its quality, and the decreasing of operating costs. Science and Production Association “RIVS” is the chief contractor of the construction and modernization of the processing plant. It also acts as the chief designer and equipment supplier, which realizes the supervision, balancing, commissioning, and organization of construction. The first construction stage of the processing plant had been realized since 2004 till 2010. The processing capacity increased from 8.2 to 13.5 mln. t of ore per year. Meanwhile, the technological concentration values of copper and molybdenum were improved. In 2011, there was signed a contract for the processing plant expansion with bringing its ore throughput to 20–25 mln. t. The contract covers all operations of the technological concentration chain. Due to this contract, the following operations are foreseen:
• the introduction of the bulk copper-molybdenum flotation sections with the productivity of 8 mln. t of ore per year;
• the modernization of cycles of the bulk, copper and molybdenum flotation, completed with the RIF flotation machines and the RIF condition tanks;
• the construction of new thickener with 30 m diameter.
Science and Production Association “RIVS” and Zangezur CMC realized the first project in CIS countries of the construction of ore preparation building, using the semiautogenous grinding mill SAG (10,34×4,6 m) with 406 m3 volume and the center discharge ball mill MShC(6,1×9,5 m) with 260 m3 volume. Zangezur CMC constantly increases the technological values in the conditions of the considerable decreasing of the grade of mineral components in ore. This confirms the correctness of the chosen development strategy for enterprise, considering the choice of equipment and technology with the effective cooperation of the specialists from Zangezur CMC and Science and Production Association “RIVS”.

keywords Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine, processing plant, reconstruction, flotation, ore preparation building, semi self crushing, technological values

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