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ArticleName Development of the flotation technology of increasing of iron concentrate quality at the Carmen Copper Corporation Enterprise (Philippines)
ArticleAuthor Arustamyan K. M.

(Scientific and Production Association "RIVS" JSC, Saint Petersburg, Russia:

Arustamyan K. M., Processing Engineer, e-mail:


There has been recently increased the interest of specialists and managers of ore dressing and processing enterprises to introduction of the technology of concentration of iron ore raw materials, directed on obtaining of more high quality marketable products. In the first place, it is connected with increasing of non-conditional concentrates' quality (less than 60% of the total iron), which extends the economical efficiency of ore-dressing and processing enterprises for metallurgical enterprises and decreases the costs on the metallurgical production stage. The Carmen Copper Corporation includes the Carmen concentrator, which processes the copper-porphyritic
ores and produces the copper and magnetite concentrates. The copper concentrate is obtained by the flotation method. The magnetite concentrate is obtained by wet magnetic separation. Nowadays, the content of iron in the concentrate, obtained at the Carmen concentrator from the current extraction ores, does not exceed 50–51%, taking into account the high content of silica (to 18%). In 2011, the governing body of the Carmen Copper Corporation gave the task to the Scientific and Production Association "RIVS" to hold the final processing of magnetite concentrate to not less than 60% of the content of iron in this concentrate. Researches of the factory experiments of magnetite concentrate were held by the technologists from Scientific and Production Association "RIVS". The technology was developed for the reverse cationic flotation of magnetite concentrate. The range of reagents-collectors for quartz and aluminosilicates was tested, along with optimization of regrinding regime. New technology makes it possible to obtain the high quality concentrate (not less than 60% of iron), in the flotation finishing tail.

keywords Carmen Copper Corporation enterprise, iron-containing concentrate, flotation finishing, opposite cationic flotation, reagents, magnetite, quartz, aluminosilicates
Language of full-text english
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