Gornyi Zhurnal

The 7-th issue of “Gornyi Zhurnal” (Mining Journal) (July, 2016) is devoted to the anniversaries of “Komsomolsky” mine, Norilsk MMC and project institute “Uralgiproruda”. There are shown the peculiarities of underground mining in “Komsomolsky” mine in complex geomechanical conditions. Members of “Uralgiproruda” institute show the experience of design of large mineral objects of Urals, Siberia and Far East.
Article by the executive officers of Russian Copper Company shows the development of the Urals' copper-ore base on the basis of new innovation approaches to the choice of technics and technology of ore mining and processing industry. These approaches are realized during the construction of unique Mikheevskiy GOK.
Mineral reserves and resources of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) are reviewed in the article by L. N. Kovalev, N. V. Burkova, A. V. Sychevskiy and V. V. Kuznetsov.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
ArticleName | Komsomolsky Mine — 45 years of success |
ArticleAuthors | Mushtekenov T. S., Ramonov A. Yu., Karasev A. V., Vydrenkov A. P. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Komsomolsky Mine, Polar Division of Norilsk Nickel, Norilsk, Russia: T. S. Mushtekenov, Director, rutsekretar@tf.nk.nornik.ru |
ArticleName | Pre-stoping assessment of stress state of ore body S-2 in Skalistaya Mine |
ArticleAuthors | Galaov R. B., Kisel A. A., Andreev A. A., Zubkov V. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Polar Division, Norilsk Nickel, Norilsk, Russia: R. B. Galaov, Deputy Director in Mineral-Raw Materials Management, andreevaiv@tf.nk.nornik.ru
VNIMI, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: |
ArticleName | Features of seismic activity in Skalistaya mine |
ArticleAuthors | Marysyuk V. P., Tereschenko M. V., Tsirel S. V., Mulev S. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Center for Geodynamic Safety, Polar Division, Norilsk Nickel, Norilsk, Russia: V. P. Marysyuk, Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, marysyukvp@tf.nk.nornik.ru
Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:
VNIMI, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: |
ArticleName | Effect of flexural fold on seismic activity in Skalistaya mine |
ArticleAuthors | Marysyuk V. P., Sitnikova O. V., Tsirel S. V., Mulev S. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Center for Geodynamic Safety, Polar Division, Norilsk Nickel, Norilsk, Russia: V. P. Marysyuk, Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, marysyukvp@tf.nk.nornik.ru
Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:
VNIMI, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: |
ArticleName | Assessment of effect of rock mass damage on underground stability of excavations in the Second Southern Lens of Mayak Mine |
ArticleAuthors | Kubuzov E. A., Nagovitsyn Yu. N., Andreev A. A., Rukavishnikov G. D. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Polar Division, Norilsk Nickel, Norilsk, Russia: E. A. Kubuzov, Head of Mining Department, ggu@tf.nk.nornik.ru
VNIMI Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: |
ArticleName | Pilot trial of room-and-pillar mining in Tsentralnaya Osnovnaya ore body in Komsomolskaya Mine |
ArticleAuthors | Darbinyan T. P., Tukhvatullin N. K., Sidorenko Yu. B., Koretskiy A. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Polar Division, Norilsk Nickel, Norilsk, Russia: T. P. Darbinyan, Deputy Head of Mining Department, ggu@tf.nk.nornik.ru
Interregional Technological Department, Rostekhnadzor Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia, Norilsk, Russia: |
ArticleName | Analysis and assessment of influences on backfill quality in Komsomolsky Mine |
ArticleAuthors | Bylkov A. V., Gets O. A., Arshavskiy V. V., Khutsishvili V. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Polar Division, Norilsk Nickel, Norilsk, Russia: A. V. Bylkov, Deputy Director for Mining, andreevaiv@tf.nk.nornik.ru
Institute of Integrated Mineral Development — IPKON, Moscow, Russia:
VNIMI Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: |
ArticleName | Uralgiproruda Institute: 85 years of efficient design work |
ArticleAuthor | Pyrkov V. I. |
ArticleAuthorData | Uralgiproruda Institute, Ekaterinburg, Russia: V. I. Pyrkov, Chief Executive Officer, mail@ugruda.ru |
ArticleName | Review of the Tarynnakh-Gorkitsky iron ore mining project |
ArticleAuthors | Primak V. S., Spiridonova E. L. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Uralgiproruda Institute, Ekaterinburg, Russia: V. S. Primak, Head of Mining and Transport Department, mail@ugruda.ru |
ArticleName | Development prospects for Kachkanar Mining and Processing Integrated Works |
ArticleAuthor | Vlokh Yu. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | Uralgiproruda Institute, Ekaterinburg, Russia: Yu. V. Vlokh, Chief Specialist of Open Pit Mining Sector, mail@ugruda.ru |
ArticleName | Reappraisal of Kuldur deposit reserves, considering addition of brucite grades IV and V |
ArticleAuthor | Zherebchikov P. Yu. |
ArticleAuthorData | Uralgiproruda Institute, Ekaterinburg, Russia: P. Yu. Zherebchikov, Category I Engineer, Mining and Geology Sector, mail@ugruda.ru |
ArticleName | Hydrogeological evaluation of accessing and mining of Tarynnakh and Gorkitsky iron ore bodies in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) |
ArticleAuthor | Chibireva E. A. |
ArticleAuthorData | Uralgiproruda Institute, Ekaterinburg, Russia: E. A. Chibireva, Chief Hydrogeological Specialist, mail@ugruda.ru |
ArticleName | Design and construction of tower-type derrick at Cheremukhovskaya-Glubokaya Mine, Sevuralboksitruda Company |
ArticleAuthor | Buinov B. A. |
ArticleAuthorData | Uralgiproruda Institute, Ekaterinburg, Russia: B. A. Buinov, Chief Designer of Construction Sector, mail@urguda.ru |
ArticleName | Blind vertical shaft construction in Internatsionalny mine, ALROSA |
ArticleAuthors | Vetlov A. A., Golotvina O. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Uralgiproruda, Ekaterinburg, Russia: A. A. Vetlov, Chief Specialist of Underground Mining Sector, mail@ugruda.ru |
ArticleName | Hoist units for shafts to access deep levels in modern underground mines |
ArticleAuthor | Merkuriev N. N. |
ArticleAuthorData | Uralgiproruda Institute, Ekaterinburg, Russia: N. N. Merkuriev, Chief Specialist of Mining and Mechanics Sector, mail@ugruda.ru |
ArticleName | Introduction of Quality Management System based on ISO 9001 requirements |
ArticleAuthor | Drachev V. G. |
ArticleAuthorData | Uralgiproruda Institute, Ekaterinburg, Russia: V. G. Drachev, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Head of Technical Department, mail@ugruda.ru |
ArticleName | Innovative approaches to expansion of copper ore supplies in the Urals |
ArticleAuthors | Altushkin I. A., Shchibrik M. Yu., Malek T. I., Korol Yu. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Russian Copper Company, Moscow, Russia: I. A. Altushkin, Chairman of the Board |
ArticleName | Mineral reserves and resources of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) |
ArticleAuthors | Kovalev L. N., Burkova N. V., Sychevskiy A. V., Kuznetsov V. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | State Committee for Geology and Subsoil Use of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk, Russia: L. N. Kovalev, Chairman, Candidate of Economic Sciences, goscomgeo@sakha.gov.ru |
ArticleName | Development potential of Russian mining-and-chemical holdings |
ArticleAuthors | Kazakova N. A., Gendon A. L., Khlevnaya E. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia: N. A. Kazakova, Head of a Chair, professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences |
ArticleName | Types and causes of failure of tangential-rotary cutter bits |
ArticleAuthors | Klishin V. I., Gerike B. L., Nikitenko S. M., Krestovozdvizhensky P. D. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Coal, Federal Research Center for Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian V. I. Klishin, Head of Laboratory, klishinvi@icc.kemsc.ru
Mining Tool, Novokuznetsk, Russia: |
ArticleName | Expert system for mathematical modeling of geomechanical processes in rock mass |
ArticleAuthor | Khalkechev R. K. |
ArticleAuthorData | National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia: R. K. Khalkechev, Associate Professor, Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, syrus@list.ru |
ArticleName | Thermal methods exploitation for coals propensity to oxidation and self-ignition study |
ArticleAuthors | Epshtein S. A., Adamtsevich A. O., Gavrilova D. I., Kossovich E. L. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Science & Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russian Federation: S. A. Epshtein, Head of Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of Coals, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, apshtein@yandex.ru A. O. Adamtsevich, Senior Researcher, Scientific-research laboratory of Physical and Chemical Analysis, SRI CM & T, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |