ArticleName |
The Leading Research and Design Institute of Industrial Technologies — A long way in 65 years |
ArticleAuthorData |
VNIPIpromtekhnologii, Moscow, Russia:
Yu. V. Dmitrak, Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor E. N. Kamnev, Academic Secretary, Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, Professor |
Abstract |
The article describes the historical way that VNIPIpromtekhnologii (Leading Research and Design Institute of Industrial Technologies) of Atomredmetzoloto Uranium Holding (ARMZ) has come in 65 years. The current areas of activity of the Institute are mining, hydrometallurgy, radiation research, ecology. The Institute’s research findings give evidence of great creative potential of the staff and are reflective of multipurpose nature of problems the Institute handles. Under design projects of the Institute, two aerospace chambers were for the first time manufactured at the All-Union Center for Hyperbaric Oxygenation. The expert teams from the Institute performed successive operation on desalination installation design to make drinking water from sea water in Libya and South Yemen. The scope of the design projects of the Institute encompassed gas turbine plants, movable membrane desalination plants and even milk processing plants for the Moscow Region. The Institute was extensively engaged in the defence industry. The Institute’s projects were used in disposal (temporal isolation) of three damaged nuclear submarines in the Russian Far East. In 2004 the Institute accomplished a unique project on the first federal-level burial site for low- and medium-activity waste in permafrost of the archipelago Novaya Zemlya. Currently, the Institute successively develops in four basic areas of engineering research: mining, hydrometallurgy, radiotechnology and ecology, and completes an advanced engineering center aimed to integrate the entire production process flow, starting from research, through design, and finishing with project delivery to a customer on the turnkey basis. In its 65 years of operation, VNIPIpromtekhnologii Institute has shown itself as a skilled and reliable partner in handing various complicated problems of the national economy.
The authors appreciate contribution of A. V. Seleznev, E. Yu. Meshkov, V. P. Karamushka, A. I. Rybalchenko, N. K. Prikhodko and A. P. Smagin, VNIPIpromtekhnologii, to the preparation of this article. |
References |
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