Название | Seismic monitoring build-up and development in the production activity zone of Apatit JSC |
Автор | Korchak P. A., Zhukova S. A., Menshikov P. Yu. |
Информация об авторе | Author 1:
Реферат | Seismic monitoring is implemented in underground mines using automated rock mass control systems (ARMC) capable of recording seismic events with an energy E>102 J to the accuracy within a few meters. Early in 2012 Rasvumchorr Mine put into service a seismic information telemetry system (SIT) manufactured by Sistemotekhnika Science and Production Association. Late in 2012 Sistemotekhnika Science and Production Association accomplished manufacture of down-hole units designed to improve measurement accuracy and cut down equipment installation cost. Each seismic measurement point is equipped with a telemetry unit and an uninterruptable power supply unit enabling independent operation of the seismic point for 3 days. The measurement system uses seismometers S1073 or S2123 (Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russia); А1638 1 Vs2/m, 0.2–400Hz (Geoakustika, Russia); downhole seismometers G4.5 4.5-2000Hz (ISS International, South Africa). The seismic points are arranged at a distance to 6 km from the seismic station and are connected with each other and with the station by the dedicated communication lines. For the sustainable geodynamic monitoring of the production area, Apatit JSC jointly with the Kola Division of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences have designed an integrated underground seismicity control system (IUSC). The IUCS system aims to provide realtime data on seismic mode (coordinates and magnitudes of seismic events) within the production area of Apatit JSC. Recording of seismic events with a probability not lower than 0.8 is conducted in the range of magnitudes from 0.6 and higher. The authors express their gratitude to Pugachev S. S., Deputy Technical Director for Geodynamics (since 2007 till 2014), Apatit JSC, for the fruitful discussion of the research findings, the valuable advice and criticism. |
Ключевые слова | The authors express their gratitude to Pugachev S. S., Deputy Technical Director for Geodynamics (since 2007 till 2014), Apatit JSC, for the fruitful discussion of the research findings, the valuable advice and criticism |
Библиографический список | 1. Monitoring seysmichnosti i gornykh udarov v predelakh deystvuyushchikh apatitovykh podzemnykh rudnikov i karerov. Sozdanie i modernizatsiya podsistem ASKSM-R, -K, -Yu v ramkakh khozdogovora No. 26143 s Otkrytym Aktsionernym Obshchestvom “Apatit” (Monitoring of seismicity and bounces within working apatite underground mines and open pits. Creation and modernization of ASKSM-R, -K, -Yu subsystems within commercial contract No. 26143 with JSC “Apatit”). Kirovsk — Apatity, 2002. (in Russian). |
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