In the land of fogs, near the ocean, in the endless and cheerless night...

G. D. Burkov
«In the land of fogs, near the ocean, in the endless and cheerless night....» – this is the description of Arctic in the Ancient Greek poem «Odyssey». This quotation as the name of the book describes the difficulties, which had nature raised before those valiants, who strove to get to the silent ice desert and who wanted to get the treasures of the northern region of our planet.
The book tells about the development history of Arctic by Russian seamen and the basic stages of the navigation on the Northern sea route. There are shown the little known pages of the economical activity in Russian Arctic in the second part of the XX century. The book widely tells about those people, who participated in the described events, which immediate participant was the author itself. Very interesting photographs and documents are presented. Most of them are published for the first time.
Language of edition: Russian.
ISBN: 978-5-98191-055-5
Pages: 304
Binder: hardcover
Publisher: Ore and Metals PH
Language: English
Publishing year: 2010
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