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Название Sorption of the chloride complexes of palladium and platinum by the chemically modified silica
Автор I. V. Boryagina, E. V. Volchkova, T. M. Buslaeva, M. V. Vasileva, G. V. Erlikh
Информация об авторе

Scientific and Industrial Complex “Supermetal” JSC, Moscow, Russia

I. V. Boryagina, Junior Researcher, Postgraduate Student, e-mail: IrinaBoryagina@mail.ru

M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia

E. V. Volchkova, Assistant Professor

T. M. Buslaeva, Professor

M. V. Vasileva, Specialist


M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

G. V. Erlikh, Leading Researcher


This article considers the study of sorption of palladium (II), platinum (II), and platinum (IV), from the hydrochloric-acid solutions by chemically modified silica. Using the methods of infra-red and electronic spectroscopy, there were established such types of complexes, which are obtained in the phase of sorbent (silica, which is modified by the groups of γ- aminopropyltriethoxysilane), depending on the solution acidity. The hydrochloric-acid solutions of thiourea were proposed as the eluent. A sorption separation diagram for Pd (II) and Pt (IV) was proposed on the basis of the study.

Ключевые слова Sorption, platinum, palladium, chloride complexes, desorption, extraction, separation
Библиографический список

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