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ArticleName Organization of schemes of testing and control of technological processes on the projectible processing plant No.1 of Lomonosov ore-dressing and processing enterprise
ArticleAuthor Melnichenko L. V., Samofalov Yu. L.

“Severalmaz” Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia:

Melnichenko L. V., Head of Technological Control Department, e-mail:
Samofalov Yu. L., Chief Dresser


Organization of testing and control system of technological processes on the processing plant is induced by the necessity of the efficient error-free status information accessing in tote on factory, operating efficiency of the fitted mineral processing equipment, identification of the types and reasons of the diamond losses with dump waste products.
According to the currently operating system of testing and control on the dressing work, the diamond losses are considered by the total dump waste product of ore-preparation and hard-environment separation area. The disadvantages of the existing testing and control system are the absence of analysis possibility of each separate dump waste product, which is directed into the tailing dump. Therefore, for the definition of an appropriate exactness of testing and error-free information accessing on the diamond losses, the separate testing of dump waste products is held on the projectible dressing work. The dump waste products are directed in tailing dump by hydraulic transportation.
This will make it possible to: fix the output of each product; make the technological balance of ore for the settlement days; define the diamond contain in each tested product; determine the diamond extraction by operations and calculate the balance on diamonds for each technological session and on factory in tote for the settlement days (day, month, season, year); define the operating efficiency of the manufacturing operations and mineral processing equipment.
The sampling points are provided on the plant for the following work: mill unloading; spiral classifier discharge; products of sieving and hard-environment separation; concentrates and tailings of the concentration area.

The controlling and measuring devices would be set in operation on the technological equipment of the factory. The operative information from these devices is input to the computer of the supervisory console.

keywords Processing plant, tailings, diamonds, technical control division, testing scheme, sampler

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Language of full-text russian
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