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ArticleName Organization of a system of hydromechanical monitoring on Lomonosov diamond deposit
ArticleAuthor Kharkhordin I. L., Gurin A. N., Nazima V. V., Ivanov I. N.

Research Institute of Mining Geomechanics and Mine Surveying «VNIMI», Saint Petersburg, Russia:

Kharkhordin I. L., Divisional Manager of Hydrogeological Researchings, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail:
Gurin A. N., Senior Researcher
Nazima V. V., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


«Severalmaz» Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia:

Ivanov I. N., Executive Officer of Lomonosov Ore Mining and Processing Enteerprise


Results of an earlier implemented valuations of a pit edge steadiness of a Southeren group of pipes (Arkhangelskaya or Karpinsky-1) demonstrate the suffiacient dependance from the hydrodynamic conditions and point on the necessity of the level decreasing in Padun, as well as in rather low permeabile Mezensk deposits.
In the same time, the reliability of a definition of a range of hydrogeological and geomechanical parameters for rocks of water-bearing complex of Mezensk deposits is not very high. In the first place, this apply to the strength properties and permeability distribution in vertical direction.
Pressure distribution in near-welt massif and efficiency of drainage measures significantly depends on a value of a profile filtration anisothropy.
A permeability of ore body itself is also very important. It is being changed during the process of deposit development as a result of exploitation survey holes` drilling.
Survey organization is necessary due to the indeterminacy in reckoning on current stage. For this purpose, the hydromechanical monitoring system is planned to be created on Lomonosov deposit. This kind of system includes the following complex of systems:
- surveyor measurings;
- hydrogeological and engineering and geological observations;
- database management;
- carrying out the efficient forecast reckonings on the basis of constantly operating numerical models.
The obtained results are supposed to be used for the efficiency increasing of a drainage activities, control of near-welt massif status, efficient reckonings of steadyness on the chosen profiles and hydrogeological forecasts.

keywords Hydromechanical monitoring, surveyor observations, depth pressure transducer, constantly operating model, shelving stability, drainage system

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Language of full-text russian
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