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ArticleName Bahavior of insoluble anods obtained on the base of secondary lead by electrowinning copper from sulfuric solution
ArticleAuthor Martirosyan M. V., Jorukhyan R. B., Mazmanyan V. A.

State Engineering University of Armenia

M. V. Martirosyan, Assistant Professor, e-mail:


CJSC “Mica-Cement”

R. B. Jorukhyan, Chief Engineer



V. A. Mazmanyan, Head of Melting Compartment


In recent years the interest to use secondary raw materials and non-organic composition from exhausted products is greatly increased. The treatment of raw materials of non-metallic origin with different methods allows to solve the problems, such as metals deficit (noble, rare, non-ferrous metals in particular), economy of metals and environment protection. During processing of secondary lead it has been obtained the alloys on the base of lead, alloyed with Sb and Sn. Tin and stibium are useful as modificator of lead structure. Threecomponent metal systems (Pb—Sn—Sb) are used as base for insoluble anods materials development. The bahavior of insoluble anods on the base of the secondary lead, obtained from lead accumulator batteries, waste, in sulfuric solution has been studied. It has been shown that anodic materials obtained by this method are corrosively durable, possess high physical, mechanical and technological properties and have depolarizating action on water oxidation reaction. It is recommended to use insoluble anods from these materials in copper electrowinning process. The paper describes summarized characteristics of the materials and conclusion about expediency of three-component composition (Pb+3.47% Sb+0.13% Sn) usage for insoluble anodes obtaining during electric extraction from sulfurous solution.

keywords Lead-bearing raw materials, tin, stibium, alloyage, copper electrical extraction, insoluble anodes, corrosion resistance, sulfurous solution

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Language of full-text russian
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