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ArticleName Mathematical modeling of macrokinetics of leaching
ArticleAuthor Shpaer V. M., Kalashnikova M. I.

Gipronickel Institute Ltd

V. M. Shpaer, Researcher, Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy
M. I. Kalashnikova, Head of Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy, e-mail:


In the process of oxidation leaching of sulphide concentrates having challenging composition, abnormal indices of the regular kinetics are observed, namely: order due to oxygen exceeds one; order due to oxygen and activation energy are not constant values. Mathematical modelling as analysis of leaching process’ macrokinetics has provided with the correct explanation of the anomalies revealed in the course of experimental work performance. It has been demonstrated that running of the series-parallel chemical reactions can cause intricate nature of the leaching process’ kinetic curves. It also explains the dependency of the reaction’ order due to oxygen observed in the course of testing on the rate of leaching. Peculiarities of the leaching process’ macrokinetics are related to the ratio of speeds of various series-parallel chemical reactions, the said ratio determining, among other parameters, ability of secondary sulphides formation and degree of the said process’ effect on the leaching kinetics.

keywords Analysis, leaching, differential equations, macrokinetics, modeling, series-parallel chemical reactions, kinetics, abnormal indices

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Language of full-text russian
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