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Название Development and implementation of a new technology for nickel powder production
Автор Seregin P. S.
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Gipronickel Institute Ltd

P. S. Seregin, Senior Research Officer, Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy, e-mail: PSSer@nikel.spb.su


The article presents the results of a long-term scientific and pilot-plant work on the development and implementation of a new technology on the production of an active nickel powder used on the stage of nickel electrolyte cleaning from copper. There are given the descriptions of all principal stages of work, the major of them being the following:
— study of the mechanism of the solid phase reduction of nickel cinder;
— study of the reduction ability of different types of solid reduction agents;
— selection of an optimum solid reduction agent for the process of a solid phase reduction of nickel cinder;
— commercial testing of different types of solid reduction agents in a tube-type furnaces;
— study of oxidizing roasting parameters on the process of nickel cinder reduction in a tube-type furnace;
— study of cementation activity of nickel powder’ different fractions;
— selection of optimal technological regime for active powder production in tube-type furnaces;
— reconstruction of operating tube-type furnaces aimed on production of nickel powder with maximal degree of metallization;
— commercial testing of active powder on the stage of anolyte cleaning from copper.
The article points to the personal contribution of the large team of Kola MMC and of the Gipronickel Institute as they participated in the work on its different stages. A perfect combination of a scientific base, practical technical decisions and commercial implementation made it possible for Kola MMC to start in 2005 active nickel powder production under new technology. Beside that the developed technology appeared to be patentable and it finalized with the Russian Federation patent receiving.

Ключевые слова Solid phase reduction, nickel cinder, tube-type furnace, active nickel powder, solid reduction agent, commercial testing, acolyte cleaning from copper
Библиографический список

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