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ArticleName Effect of various factors on standing and filterability of pulps of zinc production
ArticleAuthor Kolesnikov A. V., Shumilin Yu. P., Asadulin R. R., Suhobokov A. S.
ArticleAuthorData Kolesnikov A. V., e-mail:
Abstract Researches of indicators of standing of pulps of a neutral and acid stage of leaching, filtrations of zinc agglomerated cakes in the continuous technological scheme of work of the Chelyabinsk zinc plant with wet-scale disposal of products of roasting are realized. Paper shows that speed of standing of pulps after neutral leaching increases with containing reduction of silica in pulp on washout of a roasted product end and with relation increase in ВСНС Cu/SiO2. The calculation statistical equations of linear dependences are resulted.
keywords Standing of pulps, filtration, speed, silica, acid and neutral leaching, zinc agglomerated cakes.
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Language of full-text russian
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