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Magnesium, titanium, rare metals, semiconductors
ArticleName Industrial tests of the method of production of standard concentration from germanium-containing ashes
ArticleAuthor Tanutrov I. N., Aburkin T. V., Bazhov P. S., Sviridova M. N.
ArticleAuthorData Sviridova M. N., e-mail:
Abstract Method of the technology improvement for standard germanium concentrates producing from the lignite combustion products of the Far East and Sakhalin coal-fields is developed, tested on the industrial installation and used in the industrial production. Recommendations for the raw materials preparation, use of apparatuses, and change in the equipment scheme are given. Extraction of germanium into the concentrate during 2006–2008 years grew from 70 to 91% as a result of these works.
keywords Fly ash, battery cyclone dusts, charge, pyrometallurgy, the technology perfection, pelletizing, germanium concentrate.
References 1. Shpirt M. Ya. Fizikokhimicheskie osnovy pererabotki germanievogog syrya. - M. : Metallurgiya, 1977. - 267 p.
2. Bazhov P. S., Sviridova M. N., Tanurov I. N. // Tsvetnye metally. 2009. N 2. P. 28-36.
3. Tanurov I. N., Tsabolov Yu. A., Vershinin A. D., Plitanov A. M. // Fizikokhimicheskie svoystva rasplavov SaO-Al2O3-SiO2-CaS, legirovannykh okislami shchelochnykh metallov : sb. nauch. trudov. - Sverdlovsk: UNTS AN USSR, 1977. P. 106-132.
Language of full-text russian
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