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ArticleName Management of diversification of production programs of metallurgical companies
ArticleAuthor Bodyaeva E. Yu.
ArticleAuthorData Bodyaeva E. Yu., e-mail:
Abstract Necessity of diversification of production programs of metallurgical companies on the base of product and process innovations (on the example of ferrous and non-ferrous metals) is substantiated. Actuality of diversification is stipulated by the global financial and economical crisis. Additionally, necessity of usage of designing-matrix control systems at an enterprise for development and implementation of innovations is substantiated. The technique of structural analysis and design (SADT) and standardized part of this system IDEF0 SADT (Integration definition for function) are proposed to be used as the concrete tools for development of innovation projects of diversification of production programs via designing-matrix structures. These techniques allow to present in formalized form the business processes including simulated schemes of current operation activity (structurized according to departments executing the processes) and overlapped schemes of development and implementation of innovation projects.
keywords diversification, product and process innovations, designing-matrix structures, SADT, IDEF0 SADT, cash stream.
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