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ArticleName Color of gold alloys for dentistry
ArticleAuthor Vasekin V. V., Tykochinskiy D. S., Levchenko S. D.
ArticleAuthorData Vasekin V. V., e-mail:
Abstract The effect of alloying elements on the properties of gold-based alloys is studied in the paper. The purpose of the study was to establish the laws of change of color of gold in the process of introduction of one or several alloying elements in the alloy: silver, copper, platinum, palladium, etc. A spectrophotometer with a spherical geometry of measuring was used to obtain the true data regarding the color. The results are shown as coordinates in the standard L*a*b* color space. It is shown that the value of chromaticity coordinates of the gold alloys are smoothly decreasing with the increase of the content of platinum or palladium; so the yellowness index decrease. The data obtained make it possible to analyze the results of the experiments, and to limit the content of platinum and palladium in the process of development of dentures to the level on which the color of the alloys is still perceived as yellow.
keywords gold alloys, dentistry, alloying elements, color measuring, spectrophotometry, color space, yellowness.
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Language of full-text russian
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