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ArticleName Depleting slag electric furnace: the technological longevity
ArticleAuthor Nus G. S.
ArticleAuthorData Nus G. S., e-mail:
Abstract The main cause of longevity of depleting slag electric furnaces are its construction simplicity and operating reliability with satisfactory parameters of slag depletion and ecological safety of the technology. Strengthened scull forming on the furnace hearth can be considered as deficiency of depleting slag electric furnaces. It decreases slag depleting parameters and hamper furnace operation. Just this deficiency is removed first of all via usage of direct current with polarization of a bottom phase practically without any varying the furnace construction and operation conditions.
keywords electric furnace, slag depletion, bubbling, scull forming, bottom phase, polarization, electrodes, furnace hearth.
References 1. Нус Г. С. Рудно-термические шлаковые электропечи. — М. : Энергоатомиздат, 2004. — 199 с.
2. Нус Г. С. // 90 лет в цветной металлургии : сб. науч. тр. Гинцветмета. — М., 2008. С. 241–252.
3. Нус Г. С. // Цветные металлы. 1996. № 4. С. 69–71.
Language of full-text russian
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