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ArticleName Jet centrifugal columns for extraction of fine and fine-dispersed gold
ArticleAuthor Burdin N. V., Lebedev V. I.

N. V. Burdin, st. nauch. sotr., e-mail:; V. I. Lebedev, direktor, Tuvinskiy institut kompleksnogo osvoeniya prirodnykh resursov SO RAN.


It is expedient to use the methods and devices developed by the authors for extraction of fine and fine-dispersed gold in processing of alluvial, ore and man-caused mineral gold-bearing raw materials. Possibility of additional extraction of the valuable heavy components and improvement of the technological parameters at operating metallurgical works with inclusion in their technological chains the equipment combinations that realize a.m. innovations are described.

keywords Gold-bearing sands, size grade, separation of minerals, hard medium, fraction, centrifugal columns, concentrate

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Language of full-text russian
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