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ArticleName Increase of economical efficiency of conversion process for non-claimed uranium-bearing materials
ArticleAuthor Alekseev S. V., Evplanov I. V.

S. V. Alekseev, gen. direktor; I. V. Evplanov, nach. otdela, e-mail:, FGUP «NII NPO «Luch».


The problems of increase of economical efficiency of conversion process for non-claimed uranium-bearing materials via usage of the new technological innovations are examined. Putting into practice the new processing technologies decreases ecological risks because these technologies are more safe; in its turn, it leads to lowering of expenses for providing nuclear and radiation safety. In addition to the economical effect stipulated by lowering of expenses on implementation of processing of uranium-bearing materials, putting into practice the new technologies allows to expand the range of materials to be involved in conversion process.

keywords Consolidation, conversion, non-claimed uranium-bearing materials, reduced-enriched uranium, nuclear fuel cycle, non-proliferation procedure, first cost, profitability

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Language of full-text russian
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