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ArticleName Flows of liquid and gas control systems based on integral pulse-frequency modulation
ArticleAuthor +Ulitenko K. Ya. , Kanevsky V. L., Kuzyakov A. V., Babichev A. V.
ArticleAuthorData K. Ya. Ulitenko ; V. L. Kanevskiy, Engineer-Consultant; A. V. Kuzyakov, Researcher, e-mail:; A. V. Babichev, Head of Laboratory, “Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika”.
Сontrol systems based on integral pulse-frequency modulation (IPFM) are presented. Such systems are used at a number of plants and demonstrate appreciable advantages in comparison with linear continuous and pulse analogues due to essential filtering properties, absence of insensitivity area of the regulating device and its increased resource as a result of reduced number of the electric drive engagements of the executive mechanism.
keywords Integral pulse-frequency modulation, automatic control system, regulator, executive mechanism, control pulses, filtering properties, electric drive, intellectual segment gate.

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Language of full-text russian
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