Журналы →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2011 →  №1 →  Назад

Heavy non-ferrous metals
Название LUREC® is the economic technology of production of sulphuric acid at smelting plants
Автор Daum K.-Kh., Knabel K.
Информация об авторе K.-Kh. Daum, Vice-president, e-mail: karl-heinz.daum@outotec.com ; K. Knabel', Manager; Outotec GmbH, Oberursel, Germaniya.
Technology LUREC® developed by Outotec Company can process flue gas considerably with concentration to 25 % SO2. The technology basis is made by well proved equipment and units. The technology became the first of industrially introduced for processing of gas with concentration of 16–18 % SO2. Application of new technology LUREC® will lead to large reduction of the sizes of the gasprocessing equipment and equivalent economy of capital and operational expenses. Besides, the new technology allows to achieve the best recuperation heat and to reduce volume of emissions.
Ключевые слова Flue gases, smelting plants, emissions, sulphuric shop, SO2 concentration, gas cycling, heat exchangers.
Language of full-text русский
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