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Heavy non-ferrous metals
ArticleName Comperative analysis of tecniques for obtaining of active nickel powder, used at trans polar division of “Norilsk nickel” mining and metalurgical complex
ArticleAuthor Seregin P. S., Tsemekhman L. Sh., Kaytmazov N. G.
ArticleAuthorData P. S. Seregin, Leading Researcher; L. Sh. Tsemekhman, Head of Pyrometallurgical Laboratory, e-mail: LST@; N. G. Kaytmazov, General Director, The Gipronickel Institute.
Reduced nickel monoxide is widely used in the technology of processing of sulphide copper-nickel and oxided nickel raw materials at national enterprises. History of the question and the methods of nickel powder obtaining have been considered. For example, we can mention active nickel powder at “Severonickel” plant (until 2005), reagent nickel powder at Nickel plant in Trans Polar Division, partially reduced nickel monoxide at “Severonickel” plant, semi-reduced cinder at Nickel plant of Polar Division. The results of researches for selection of hard reducing agent have been conduced. The structures of nickel powder for rotary furnaces and its active fraction have been considered. The prospects of nickel powder obtaining for copper cementing at Trans Polar division have been analyzed.
keywords Nickel, powder, active fraction, cinder, reducing agent, structure, reduced nickel monoxide.

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