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ArticleName Resource-reproducing and resource-saving metal production with a full cycle of development of primary and secondary georesources
DOI 10.17580/em.2023.02.08
ArticleAuthor Bitimbayev M. Zh., Kunayev M. S., Miletenko N. A., Alisheva Zh. N.

Satbayev University Almaty, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Bitimbayev M. Zh., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


Caspian Services Inc. JSC, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Kunayev M. S., Chairman of the Board of Directors, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences


Institute of Problems of Integrated Development of Mineral Resources, Moscow, Russia
Miletenko N. A., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Alisheva Zh. N., Senior Researcher


Ore deposits, taken in the traditional interpretation of the concept as “natural or man-made accumulations of metallic minerals in the Earth’s crust or on the Earth’s surface, development of which is economical”, are formed during the time length commensurate with the geological time of formation of complexes of minerals and rocks. In the practice of subsoil use, ore deposits are developed 5–10 thousand times faster than they can be recreated in the subsoil, so the world civilization faces the main task of solving the problems of providing mankind with metal resources for their safe, economically efficient and technologically feasible extraction on the historical time scale. This problem is complicated by the need to simultaneously address the environmental consequences of human impact on nature. The complications of implementing practical measures depend on two objective factors:
—the impending complete depletion of metal reserves in the continental earth’s crust to a depth of anthropogenic-and-technological capability HATC = 5 km within 30–1500 years depending on the type of metal;
—the demand for metals which continuously increase in geometric progression in relation to the growth of the population.
The authors propose new trends of development of material basis to meet the necessaries by creation of reproduction of reserves using deposits of new type to be mined with application of new geotechnologies and mineralogical sciences, and with a full closed cycle of multiple use of metals.

This research was supported by the Committee on Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Grant No. N AP14871011.

keywords Primary and secondary georesources, geological time, historical time scale, geochemical patterns, new-type deposits, geotechnology, mineralogical science, closed cycle

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Full content Resource-reproducing and resource-saving metal production with a full cycle of development of primary and secondary georesources