Журналы →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2010 →  №3 →  Назад

Radioactive elements
Название Corrosion under irradiation of alloys of type E110 and E635 in water-chemistry conditions PWR
Автор Markelov V. A., Novikov V. V., Kon'kov V. F., Tselishchev A. V., Dolgov A. B.

Results of thickness measurements of oxide layer on samples of zirconium alloys E110, E110М, E635 and E635М tested during 432 days in a loop of reactor LWR15 of Institute of atomic research (Rzhezh, Czechia). The experimental was realized in conditions boric-lithium water chemistry mode PWR with surface and volume boiling of the heat-carrier. Results of in-vessel corrosion are considered in comparison to the results received on similar samples in the inactive channel of reactor LWR-15 and in the conditions of an autoclave. The interrelation of radiating hardening and corrosion of alloys type E110 and E635 under an irradiation with evolution of their structurally-phase condition is Discussed.

Ключевые слова Alloys E110, E110М, E635, E635М, water chemistry mode PWR, irradiation, corrosion, thickness measurements of oxide layer, structure, phase structure, radiating hardening
Language of full-text русский
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