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Название Evaluation of structure and variables within performance rating of hydraulically powered roof support legs with smooth roof control
DOI 10.17580/em.2016.02.09
Автор Gabov V. V., Zadkov D. A., Stebnev A. V.
Информация об авторе

Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation:

Gabov V. V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, gvv40@mail.ru
Zadkov D. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor


OJSC "SUEK-Kuzbass", Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Russian Federation:
Stebnev A. V., Chief mechanic, StebnevAV@suek.ru


The authors analyze variables in the structure of performance rating of powered roof support. The performance data set is composed of varied pressures in the head ends of legs in the course of sequential operations within a production cycle between advances of powered support. Factually, the performance rating represents the control over resistance of hydraulic legs to mine roof convergence. It is shown that the work of modern powered roof supports, with invariable pressures within the performance rating of legs, unavoidably entails static and dynamic impact on immediate roof. These periodic static and dynamic impacts on immediate roof intensify jointing, sags and cascading of roof rocks, and induce loss of touch between the powered roof support and the roof. In the proposed structure for the performance rating of powered support legs, the function of overload protection is separated from the function of roof control. It is suggested to implement regulation of leg resistance to roof convergence gradually, by replacing sequential actuation of pressure relief valve, generating equilibrium resistance, by continuous smooth regulation, which mitigates impact on immediate roof rocks, improves adaptability of powered support sections to gradually changing rock pressure and eliminates dynamic impact of powered support on immediate roof rocks in the mode of roof control. The overload protection function of powered roof support actuates only when the support is overloaded and takes no direct part in the ground control process. The article gives a formula to calculate equivalent resistance of hydraulic legs per production cycle. The new structure and variables of the proposed performance rating for powered support legs both reduce impact on immediate roof rocks, simplify production cycle of powered support section, shorten duration of this production cycle and extend operating period of powered support section in the mode of the controlled resistance. All these factors contribute to better stability of operation of powered support sections in rational modes and to enhanced efficiency of mechanized longwall equipment. The method of smooth pressure regulation enables transmission and efficient use of strata pressure energy in hydraulic system of powered roof support in a fully mechanized longwall.

Ключевые слова Coal, longwall face, rock pressure, regulation, powered roof support section, adaptation, performance rating, hydraulic system
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Полный текст статьи Evaluation of structure and variables within performance rating of hydraulically powered roof support legs with smooth roof control