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ArticleName Economic and social basis of material science development in the Far East
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2016.11.09
ArticleAuthor Mansurov Yu. N., Reva V. P., Mansurov S. Yu., Beloborodov M. V.

Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia:

Yu. N. Mansurov, Professor, Head of a Chair “Materials science and materials technology” (Engineering school), e-mail:
V. P. Reva, Assistant Professor of a Chair “Materials science and materials technology” (Engineering school), e-mail:
S. Yu. Mansurov, Post-Graduate Student of a Chair “Enterprise economy and management” (Economy and Management School), e-mail:
M. V. Beloborodov, Assistant Professor, Head of a Chair “Civil Law and Processes” (Law school), e-mail:


Russian Far East is a territory of 9 subjects of Russian Federation with a population of more than 6 million people. Russian Government made a range of decisions, aimed on the priority regional development. Firstly, the new, science-intense and export-oriented products should be created on nine Priority Development Territories (Far Eastern Federal District). Tens of thousands of new working places should be created — this is the basic indicator of innovation-driven economy. Various enterprises on the Territories include the agricultural products processing, fishing indistry, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, electronics engineering, aircraft building and rocket production. Of course, new enterprises building expects new technologies. Any technology efficiency and final products quality mainly depend on the quality of initial raw materials. This means that profitability of the final products of the enterprises on the Territories depends on the material science achievements application during the production. The review of these achievements for their possible application on these enterprises is given in this paper. Materials science researchers (the Chair “Material Science and Material Technologies”) give the analysis of their investigation results. Personnel policy requirements offer the system of training of materials science specialists and technologists specialized in the constructional processing of materials. This system allow the Regional enterprises to use the technological cutting operation during the manufacturing of intermediates and finished products not only as basic and unique. Modern materials science allows the efficient use of casting, pressure working, forming, powder metallurgy methods and other technologies.

keywords Materials science, materials technologies, organics, inorganics, composition, structure, properties, application

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Language of full-text russian
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