Журналы →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2016 →  №11 →  Назад

Название Production of semiconductor materials: brief history and modern state
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2016.11.07
Автор Akchurin R. Kh.
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Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies (Moscow Technological University), Moscow, Russia:

R. Kh. Akchurin, Professor, Chair “Materials Science and Technology of Functional Materials and Structures”, e-mail: rakchur@mail.ru


Semiconductor materials are the most important in the element base of modern electronics engineering. Development of solid electronics (especially microelectronics) made a great influence both on the whole scientific and technical progress, and on all human lives. The progress in development of solid electronics is mostly based on achievements in semiconductor materials technology. This paper gives a brief information about the history of development of semiconductor industry in Russia and abroad. Development stages of the basic semiconductor materials production (silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide) are described. There is given the information about the areas of application of these materials, modern state of their production technologies, and basic producers. Trends of development of the global market of these semiconductors in the past decades are shown. In spite of the repeating recessions, caused by the financial crisis and changes of market conditions, the global semiconductor industry progressively develops. There are also given the data about the sweeping development of the course, connected with the on-land solar energy, which caused the high growth of the production of polycrystalline silicon. This paper also describes the state of semicondutor industry in the USSR at the end of 1980s and in the modern Russia. There is shown the negative influence of the collapse of the Soviet Union on the production of electronic materials in Russia. There are shown the data about the attempts of solving of the formed problems (in particular the polycrystaline silicon production establishment).

Ключевые слова Semiconductors, silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, history, production, market, modern state
Библиографический список

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