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ArticleName New devices for air emissions control in the working area of enterprises and their standards for settings and checking
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2015.09.06
ArticleAuthor Oksengoyt E. A., Borisov B. N., Fokina E. Yu., Shipatov V. T.

JSC “Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika”, Moscow, Russia:

E. A. Oksengoyt, Head of Laboratory of Special Measurement Technology Tools, e-mail:
B. N. Borisov, Engineer of Laboratory of Special Measurement Technology Tools
E. Yu. Fokina, Leading Engineer of Laboratory of Special Measurement Technology Tools

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physico-Technical and Radiotechnical Measurements, Moscow, Russia:
V. T. Shipatov, Head of Laboratory


Gas analysis equipment designed and manufactured by JSC “Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika” at current is presented. Equipment for highly specialized areas, including unparalleled are of particular interest. Much attention is paid to the indicators SAKS-1, GRANT-SHCH and GRANT-KS. All these indicators do not have analogues in the world. The indicator SAKS-1 is designed to control the leakage of sulfuric acid during transportation, storage and production. Similar in design and circuitry indicators GRANT-SHCH and GRANT-KS are oriented to determine the content of aerosols of sulfuric acid and alkali in the air when they are used as chemical reagent, such as for chemical milling. The operation principle of these indicators is based on the transfer of the aerosol sample from the air into a measuring cell and than measuring its concentration in a solution by ionometric technique. Devices send out alarms (sound, light, relay) on exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations or its multiple. Serial components and devices, mostly of domestic production, are used in the indicator. Using specially developed widget for gas samples conversion has its significant importance during installment, as known certain commercial sources of aerosols do not provide a quantitative standard samples. The design and circuitry of the flexible standard generator for hydrogen halides, combining advantages of current hydrogen chloride generator GRANT-HCl and containing aggressive resistance materials for hydrogen fluoride, is exploited. The use of such a generator allows by changing vessels with acid use in the laboratory one standard source for HF, HCl, HBr.

keywords Indicator, gas analysis equipment, aerosol, alkali, sulfuric acid, hydrogen fluoride, concentration, alarm

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Language of full-text russian
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