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National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”
ArticleName Kinetics and mechanism of oxygenation of recirculated waters during cyanidation in grinding cycle
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2015.03.02
ArticleAuthor Bobozoda Sh., Strizhko L. S., Boboev I. R.

Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan:

Sh. Bobozoda, Minister


Chair of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold, National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow, Russia:

L. S. Strizhko, Professor, e-mail:

I. R. Boboev, Junior Researcher


This article shows the results of researches of intensification of gold cyanidation process. Nowadays, the basic method of gold dissolution is cyanidation, making possible the industrial extraction of up to 95% of gold. The following disadvantages of this method are described: large number of required units; presence of large-size areas; heavy costs, connected with the process duration, required for gold dissolution. In connection with this, intensification of this method is rather urgent. Leaching process intensification showed the gold dissolution in grinding cycle in the presence of cyanide with supply of preliminary oxygenated recirculated waters. The unit for oxygenation of recirculated waters was offered. There was researched the kinetics and mechanism of oxygenation process. There was defined that bubble coarseness is the basic factor, making an influence on concentration of dissolved oxygen in recirculated waters. There was defined the coarseness of bubbles with various heads of solution in input device, intended for oxidation. There was made a definition that maximal concentration of oxygen in recirculated waters reaches 15.8 mg/dm3. There were carried out the researches of leaching of mixed gold-containing ore in grinding cycle. For the comparison, there were carried out the cyanidation researches in grinding cycle during the supply of recirculated waters with and without preliminary oxygenation. There was defined that cyanidation in grinding cycle with oxygenated waters leads to increasing of gold extraction to 68.4%. In the time of following sorption leaching with application of activated coal during two hours, throughout recovery was 92.5%.

This work was carried out with the support of the project No. 02.G25.31.0075 within the Decree of the Government of Russian Federation (No. 218 of April 09, 2010).

keywords Cyanidation, grinding, oxygenation, underwater acoustic projector, cyanide, duration, intensification, oxygen concentration, bubble

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