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ArticleName Mossbauer Investigation of Magnetic Polymer Nanocomposites Based on Magnetite and Polyvinyl Alcohol
ArticleAuthor V. G. Kostishyn, B. K. Ostafiychuk, V. V. Moklyak, A. V. Nuriev

National University of Science and Technology MISIS:

V. G. Kostishyn

A. V. Nuriev


V. Stefanik Karpaty National University:

B. K Ostafiychuk

G. V. Kurdyumov Institute of Physics of Metals, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine:

V. V. Moklyak


In this work we studied polymer nanocomposites based on Fe3O4 nanoparticles and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) using Müssbauer spectroscopy. The specimens were synthesized by chemical co−precipitation. The metal carriers were iron chlorides FeCl3·6H2O and FeCl2·4H2O, taken in a stoichiometric ratio of 2:1. The precursors were obtained by mixing metal salts with a PVA solution in deionized water. Seven specimens were obtained with polymer concentrations of 3, 5, 7 and 10% in the solution and Fe3O4 contents of 30, 45, 60 and 90%. Müssbauer spectra were recorded using a standard transmission method at 300 K and 90 K. The spectra were processed with the Univem Ms software using direct and gradient methods. The spectra of all the specimens are superpositions of the hyperfine magnetic structure and a doublet. The key goals were to determine the characteristics and structure of the composites as functions of synthesis conditions, understand the nature of the complex spectra and find which phenomena, i.e., superparamagnetism or non−stoichiometry, control the process. The best spectra decomposition providing for the minimum χ2 were as follows: at 300 K the lines of the hyperfine structure spread out into 5 and 6 sextets and two doublets, and at 90 K, into 9 sextets and two doublets. This number of sextets due to the fact that the spectra represent not only the magnetic phase, but also low−magnetic ones with weaker magnetic fields at Fe57 nuclei. The studies showed that the materials synthesized by us are discrete phases of a magnetic component the composition of which is close to the stoichiometric composition of magnetite with a small superparamagnetic contribution from a non−stoichiometric superparamagnetic component and an intermediate weakly magnetic superposition component. The paramagnetic component of the specimens pertains to the magnetite-maghemite series. The degree of non−stoichiometry of the weakly magnetic component cannot be evaluated, and one can only state this phase to be superparamagnetic.

keywords Nanoparticles, magnetite, polymer nanocomposite, superparamagnetism, nonstoichiometry, Mцssbauer spectra, weakly magnetic phase, paramagnetic phase, magnetic phase, superparamagnetic phase, PVA

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