Журналы →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2020 →  №6

Tsvetnye Metally

The June issue of Tsvetnye Metally marks the 85th anniversary of Nornickel, one of the world’s largest non-ferrous metals producers.

The current issue features articles on ore concentration and metallurgy. The authors report about the adoption of innovative technology and production facilities upgrades.

Nornickelcontinues to implement its strategic plans and strives for further modernization, digitalization, expansion and environmental sustainability. The company is also engaged in the implementation of high-priority investment projects.

Please find more details below, or order your printed or electronic version of the Journal.

Название Basic aspects of Talnakh concentrator reconstruction and modernization
Авторы Volyanskiy I. V., Likhacheva T. A., Kurchukov A. M., Miller A. A.
Информация об авторах

Company “Nornickel”, Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia:

I. V. Volyanskiy, Head of the Project Office for Reconstruction, Talnakh Concentrator, the third starting complex, Department of Strategic Project Management, e-mail: VolyanskiyIV@nornik.ru
T. A. Likhacheva, Leading Processing Engineer, Laboratory of Engineering Support of Production, Talnakh Concentrator, Center for Engineering Support of Production, e-mail: TsISP@nornik.ru
A. M. Kurchukov, Head of the Directorate for the Implementation of Concentration Projects, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: KurchukovAM@nornik.ru
A. A. Miller, Processing Engineer, Laboratory of Engineering Support of Production, Talnakh Concentrator, Center for Engineering Support of Production, e-mail: TsISP@nornik.ru

Название Testing and research on concentration of ore and secondary raw material from the Norilsk industrial region
Авторы Akhmedova L. F., Sidorenko Yu. G., Antonenok D. S., Cheptsova E. N.
Информация об авторах

Laboratory of Engineering Support of Production at Talnakh Concentrator, Center for Engineering Support of Production, Company “Nornickel”, Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia:

L. F. Akhmedova, Processing Engineer, e-mail: cisp@nornik.ru
Yu. G. Sidorenko, First Category Processing Engineer
D. S. Antonenok, Second Category Processing Engineer
E. N. Cheptsova, Processing Engineer

Название Semi-autogenious grinding mill operation at talnakh concentrator. Development and implementation of efficient engineering solutions
Авторы Dzardanov B. K., Niyazova K. A., Lukozhev I. O., Kharchenko A. V.
Информация об авторах

Company “Nornickel”, Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia:
B. K. Dzardanov, First Deputy Head of Production Department e-mail: DzardanovBK@nornik.ru
K. A. Niyazova, Leading Processing Engineer, Laboratory of Engineering Support of Production at Talnakh Concentrator, Center for Engineering Support of Production e-mail: cisp@nornik.ru
I. O. Lukozhev, Leading Processing Engineer, Laboratory of Engineering Support of Production at Talnakh Concentrator, Center for Engineering Support of Production
A. V. Kharchenko, Deputy Director of Talnakh Concentrator for Equipment, e-mail: KharchenkoAV@nornik.ru

Название Laboratory studies to develop a new method for treatment of bulk sulfide concentrate before selective separation
Авторы Lesnikova L. S., Datsiyev M. S., Sisina A. N., Chikildin D. Ye.
Информация об авторах

Company “Nornickel”, Norilsk, Russia:

L. S. Lesnikova, Head of the Laboratory of Engineering Support of Production at Talnakh Concentrator, Center for Engineering Support of Production, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: LesnikovaLS@nornik.ru
M. S. Datsiyev, Chief Engineer of Talnakh Concentrator, e-mail: DatsievMS@nornik.ru
A. N. Sisina, Leading process engineer of the Laboratory of Engineering Support of Production at Talnakh Concentrator, Center for Engineering Support of Production, e-mail: SisinaAN@nornik.ru
D. Ye. Chikildin, Deputy Chief Engineer – Head of a Department at Talnakh Concentrator, e-mail: ChikildinDE@nornik.ru

Название Flotation activity rating of the components of host rocks of the ores being fed to Talnakh Concentrator
Авторы Umysheva A. A., Velichko V. V., Knyazev V. N., Tchertok E. V.
Информация об авторах

Company "Nornickel" , Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia:
A. A. Umysheva, Chief Specialist, Laboratory of Engineering Support of Production at Talnakh Concentrator, Center for Engineering Support of Production, e-mail: TslSP@nornik.ru
V. V. Velichko, Leading Processing Engineer, Laboratory of substantial and chemical analysis, Center for Engineering Support of Production, e-mail: Velichkovv@nornik.ru
E. V. Tchertok, Deputy Head of Engineering Department, Talnakh Concentrator

Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia:

V. N. Knyazev, Assistant Professor at the Department of Deposits Geology and Exploration Methods, School of Mining, Geology and Geotechnology, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: vnknyazev@mail.ru

Название Flotation separation of nickel slag of the Polar Division Copper Plant at Nadezhdinsky Metallurgical Plant with the production of nickel and copper concentrates
Авторы Yuriev A. I., Muraviev V. V., Petrov A. F., Brusnichkina-Kirillova L. Yu.
Информация об авторах

Company “Nornickel” , Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia:

A. I. Yuriev, Director of the Center for Engineering Support of Production, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Assistant Professor, e-mail: yurevai@nornik.ru
V. V. Muraviev, Chief Engineer, Nadezhdinsky Metallurgical Plant named after B. I. Kolesnikov
A. F. Petrov, Head of a Laboratory, Center for Engineering Support of Production
L. Yu. Brusnichkina-Kirillova, Chief Specialist, Center for Engineering Support of Production

Название Practice of operation of flash smelting furnaces in the company “Nornickel” during processing of the finely dispersed raw materials with reduced energy potential
Авторы Marchuk R. A., Krupnov L. V., Morgoslep V. I., Rumyantsev D. V.
Информация об авторах

Company “Nornickel”, Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia:

R. A. Marchuk, Chief Specialist Laboratory of Engineering Support of Production at Nadezhdinsky Metallurgical Plant named after B. I. Kolesnikov, Center for Engineering Support of Production, e-mail: marchuk.nor@rambler.ru
L. V. Krupnov, Deputy Head of the Scientific and Engineering Administration — Chief Metallurgist, e-mail: Krupnovlv@nornik.ru
V. I. Morgoslep, Melting Shop Superintendent, Nadezhdinsky Metallurgical Plant named after B. I. Kolesnikov, e-mail: morgoslepvi@nornik.ru


Gipronickel Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia:
D. V. Rumyantsev, Chief Specialist, e-mail: RumyantsevDV@nornik.ru

Название Development of the process for treatment of Bystrinsky GOK gravity concentrate to obtain a highly selective gold-containing product
Авторы Bezzubenkova I. S., Litvyak M. A., Salimzhanova E. V., Bolshakova O. V.
Информация об авторах

Company “Nornickel”, Norilsk, Russia:

I. S. Bezzubenkova, Chief Specialist of the Copper Plant Laboratory of Engineering Support of Production, Center for Engineering Support of Production
M. A. Litvyak, Chief Engineer of the Copper Shop at Copper Plant
E. V. Salimzhanova, Deputy Director, Center for Engineering Support of Production, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, e-mail: SalimzhanovaEV@nornik.ru
O. V. Bolshakova, Head of the Copper Plant Laboratory of Engineering Support of Production, Center for Engineering Support of Production

Журналы →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2020 →  №6