Intensive processes of metal forming for tungsten and molybdenum

A. N. Shapoval, S. M. Gorbatyuk, A. A. Shapoval

The book is devoted to the problem of intensification of metal forming processes for such refractory metals as tungsten and molybdenum. Fabrication, properties and application of these metals and their alloys are described. Technological possibilities of conventional metal forming processes for manufacture of billets, bars, wire, composites and usage of new efficient processes such as screw rolling and vibration deformation are shown. The new technological procedures and routes for production of tungsten and molybdenum bars, wire and bands.

ISBN: 5-98191-021-6
Страницы: 0
Издатель: Ore and Metals PH
Язык: Русский
Год издания: 2006

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