Active coals and cyanide process

M. A. Meretukov

History of development of the scientific base and technology of carbon-sorption process are examined in details for the first time in national literature. The theories of sorption of different cyanide compounds on the base of activated carbons are critically discussed, the data about building of cyanide complexes and their thermodynamical parameters are presented. Fabrication methods and properties of activated carbons connected with their adsorption capacity (composition of surface groups, crystal and chemical structure, catalytical, reducing, semiconducting and other properties) are characterized on the base of modern visions.

The problems having direct relation to the practice of gold carbon sorption are discussed. The examples of usage of carbon-sorption technology abroad in different variants (sorption from solutions, sorption from pulps and sorption leaching) are given. Technical-economical estimation of the carbon-sorption process and its comparison with ion-exchanging technology, using synthetic resins, are conducted.

ISBN: 978-5-98191-029-6
Pages: 0
Publisher: Ore and Metals PH
Language: English
Publishing year: 2007

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